Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha

Abhidhammattha Saṅgaha by Sayādaw U Sīlānanda 

Disk 1 

Track 01, Lecture 1-1: Introduction to Abhidhamma 
Track 02, Lecture 1-2:Introduction to Abhidhamma 
Track 03, Lecture 2-1: Two Kinds of Truth, Brief Introduction On: Citta, Cetasika, Rūpa, Nibbāna 
Track 04, Lecture 2-2: Four Noble Truths; Planes of Existence; Akusala Citta 
Track 05, Lecture 3-1: Pāḷi Pronunciation; Akusala Citta, Ahetuka Citta 
Track 06, Lecture 3-2: Pāḷi Pronunciation Exercise, Kāmāvacara Sobhana Citta, Rūpāvacara Citta; Jhāna, Jhāna Factor, Jhāna Consciousness 
Track 07, Lecture 4-1: Arūpāvacara Citta; Lokuttara Citta 
Track 08, Lecture 4-2: Lokuttara Citta; Jhānas, Revision 
Track 11, Lecture 6-1: Citta Cetasika (Methods of Combination) 
Track 12, Lecture 6-2: Citta Cetasika (Methods of Combination) 
Track 13, Lecture 7-1: Review of Homeworks: Classification of Citta; by Feelings, by Roots 
Track 14, Lecture 7-2: Classification of Citta: by Functions 
Track 15, Lecture 8-1: Review of Homework Assignment; Classification of Citta: by Doors 
Track 16, Lecture 8-2: Classification of Citta: by Doors, by Objects 
Track 17, Lecture 9-1: Classification of Citta: by Doors, by Bases 
Track 18, Lecture 9-2: Classification of Citta: by Bases, 3 Chapters at a Glance; Introduction to Thought Process 
Track 19, Lecture 10-1: Thought Process 
Track 20, Lecture 10-2: Thought Process; Importance of Abhidhamma; Q & A (General
Track 21, Lecture 11-1: Jhāna & Ñāṇa 
Track 22, Lecture 11-2: Jhāna & Ñāṇa; Q & A (General
Track 23, Lecture 12-1: Re-cap Chapters 1-3; Introduction to Thought Process 
Track 24, Lecture 12-2: Eye Door Thought Process 
Track 25, Lecture 13-1: Eye Door Thought Process (continued); Mind Door Thought Process 
Track 26, Lecture 13-2: Mind Door Thought Process (continued) 
Track 27, Lecture 13-3: Mind Door Thought Process (continued
Track 28, Lecture 14-1: Procedure of Registration (Tadārammaṇa); Thought Process with Guest Bhavaṅga; Procedure of Javana 
Track 29, Lecture 14-2: Abhiññā; Individual & their Types of Consciousness; Lawful Order of Citta; Q&A 
Track 30, Lecture 15-1: Conditions for Thought Process to Arise; 31 Planes of Existence; Planes & Individuals 
Track 31, Lecture 15-2: Rebirth Linking Consciousness; Life Span in each Planes; Q & A 

Disk 2 

Track 01, Lecture 16-1: What is Kamma?; Results of Kamma; Classification of Kamma: by Way of Functions 
Track 02, Lecture 16-2: Classification of Kamma: by Way of Functions, by Order of Ripening, by Time of Ripening 
Track 03, Lecture 17-1: Classification of Kamma: by Place of Ripening 
Track 04, Lecture 17-2: Classification of Kamma: by Place of Ripening (continued
Track 05, Lecture 18-1: Kamma & its Results; Death & Rebirth 
Track 06, Lecture 18-2: Sign at Time of Death; Death Rebirth Linking Thought Process 
Track 08, Lecture 19-1: Object of Sense Sphere - Rebirth Consciousness; Determination of Rebirth Track 09, Lecture 19-2: Rebirth Linking Consciousness; Rūpa; Q & A 
Track 10, Lecture 20-1: Rūpa; Concretely Produced Matters; Non-Concretely Produced Matters 
Track 11, Lecture 20-2: Rūpa; Classification of Matters; Origination of Matters; Q & A 
Track 12, Lecture 20-3: Q & A (continued
Track 13, Lecture 21-1: Rūpa; Origination of Matters; Grouping of Material Phenomena; Development of Fetus 
Track 14, Lecture 21-2: Rūpa; Grouping of Material Phenomena; Rising & Disappearing of Rūpa; Nibbāna 
Track 15, Lecture 22-1: Re-cap on previous chapters; Akusala-Saṅgaha 
Track 16, Lecture 22-2: Akusala-Saṅgaha; Missaka-Saṅgaha 
Track 17, Lecture 23-1: Missaka-Saṅgaha; Bodhipakkhiya-Saṅgaha 
Track 18, Lecture 23-2: Bodhipakkhiya-Saṅgaha 
Track 19, Lecture 24-1: Bodhipakkhiya-Saṅgaha; Sabba-Saṅgaha 
Track 20, Lecture 24-2: Sabba-Saṅgaha; Paṭiccasamuppāda 
Track 21, Lecture 25-1: Paṭiccasamuppāda 
Track 22, Lecture 25-2: Paṭiccasamuppāda; Paṭṭhāna 
Track 23, Lecture 26-1: Paṭṭhāna 
Track 24, Lecture 26-2: Paṭṭhāna 
Track 25, Lecture 27-1: Paṭṭhāna 
Track 26, Lecture 27-2: Paṭṭhāna 
Track 27, Lecture 28-1: Analysis of Concepts 
Track 28, Lecture 28-2: Analysis of Concepts; Meditation: General, Samatha 
Track 29, Lecture 29-1: Samatha Meditation 
Track 30, Lecture 29-2: Samatha Meditation 
Track 31, Lecture 30-1: Vipassanā Meditation 
Track 32, Lecture 30-2: Vipassanā Meditation 
Track 33, Lecture 31-1: Vipassanā Meditation 
Track 34, Lecture 31-2: Vipassanā Meditation; Conclusion

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